
Citizens Advice Wandsworth


Benefits advice, Housing advice, Employment Law Advice, Information and Signposting


Citizens Advice Wandsworth is an independent charity that provides information, advice and support. We also work to improve the policies and practices that affect people's lives. We accept referrals for: - Welfare benefits advice: Form filling (disability benefits), challenging decisions and completing SSCS forms. We cannot attend tribunals. - Housing: Possession claims, homelessness, eviction. We do not attend hearings. - Immigration: We can arrange a free 30 telephone minute appointment. We can also provide assisted information and signposting. We do not currently accept referrals for debt. Debt cases can be referred to South West London Law Centre. We aim to accept referrals within 2 working days of receiving them. When we accept a referral, we place the client in a queue to be contacted. If the issue is urgent (eg. foodbank voucher required or imminent eviction) we will contact the client as soon as possible. For non-urgent issues, we will aim to contact the client within 10 working days. Please explain our response times when referring a client.


Battersea Library, 265 Lavender Hill, London, SW11 1JB

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CAW Crisis Project


Benefits advice, Housing advice, Legal advice, Family advice, Immigration advice, Domestic Violence and Abuse Support


Crisis Project accepts referrals from specified partners for Wandsworth residents with advice issues. Please only refer into this project if you have a prior arrangement with the CAW Crisis Project. Please be aware that this service is currently extremely busy and it may take up to 2 weeks for any clients referred to be contacted.Please do make clients aware of this before the referral is made. You may be able to find some helpful information here: https://cawandsworth.org/get-advice/


Battersea Library, 265 Lavender Hill, London, SW11 1JB

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Benefits advice, Debt advice, Housing advice, Information and Signposting, Community services, Social and therapeutic services, Family advice


Welcare is a registered charity that works to provide practical and emotional help and support to families who are experiencing difficulties. Our South West London service offers support for families with children up to 13 years old. We work with the whole family, providing non-judgemental, honest advice and guidance, helping to empower families to overcome the challenges they face. Our SW London office supports families residing in Wandsworth and Richmond boroughs. We also facilitate an education programme for parents, Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities and My Space groupwork for children who have been impacted by Domestic Abuse. Referral Criteria and Pathways We take referrals from schools, churches, children’s specialist services, Health Visitors, GPs and other professionals; children centres; other voluntary organisations. Families can also self refer for support Referrals are accepted where there are children aged 0-13 yrs. Families with older children may be considered for support. Please contact us to discuss further

020 8893 9123


Castlenau Community Centre, 7, Stillingfleet Road, London, SW13 3AQ

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Welfare Benefits Team


Benefits advice


Our team is able to offer advice and assistance with all welfare benefits issues for current service users of the South West Londona & St Georges mental health NHS Trust. Due to the current situation with the Covid pandemic, we are currently only able to offer advice by phone, on 020 3513 6469, or email: WelfareBenefitsTeam@swlstg.nhs.uk.

02035 136469


Trinity Building,, Springfield University Hospital, 15 Springfield Drive, London, SW17 0YF

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WBC Discretionary Awards Team


Benefits advice


We only accept Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) referrals/applications on Refernet. Discretionary Social Fund/Crisis Grant applications must be applied for on our website here: https://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/housing/benefits-and-support/discretionary-support-grants/apply-for-crisis-assistance-for-food-and-fuel/ The Discretionary Awards Team deal with Discretionary Housing Payments (DHPs) applications. These are for people receiving Housing Benefit or Universal Credit, including a housing element, who require further financial assistance with housing costs because their benefit does not cover their full rent. We have Welfare Reform Officers who work with customers affected by the Benefit Cap to assist them to identify solutions to any shortfall in their Housing Costs including potential DHP awards.   The Team also deal with applications for shortfalls due to other Welfare Reforms such as Social Sector Size Criteria and Local Housing Allowance rates and for other reasons.   There are no set rules about what reasons make a person eligible to receive DHP. We will look carefully at each request and take into account circumstances that contribute to the need for the DHP. The fact that a person has a shortfall is not in itself a reason for a DHP. DHP cannot cover a shortfall in Housing Benefit or Universal Credit because of: Ineligible service charge, for example water rates; Arrangements to pay additional amounts due to rent arrears; Housing Benefit overpayment recovery deductions; Certain sanctions and reductions in benefit. Please include: Name & Address of the applicant; Contact number if available; Household breakdown; Confirmation of a rental liability & the amount charged. Applications should include information about the applicants circumstances and why they need additional support with their Housing Costs, along with any relevant supporting evidence.(For applicants on Universal Credit please provide a breakdown of the latest award calculation if this is available.) Queries in relation to Housing Benefit or where there are outstanding benefit issues should not be referred via this route.    


SW18 2PU

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Wandsworth Carers’ Centre


Benefits advice, Support for Carers


Wandsworth Carers’ Centre supports Carers who without payment look after a partner, friend or relative who depends on their support due to frailty, illness, disability, a mental health or substance misuse condition. The Carer needs to live in the borough, care for someone who lives in the borough or be registered with a Wandsworth GP. We provide information, advice & advocacy, free respite, peer support activities, participation opportunities, back care & therapies & Carer and professional training. Corona Virus Covid-19 18th March 2020 Please note that as of today we are cancelling all face to face activities until 31st May when we will review the situation. We are continuing to take referrals as normal and will be supporting Carers via phone and email.   

02088 771200


181 Wandsworth High Street, London, SW18 4JE

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SPEAR London


Benefits advice, Housing advice, Information and Signposting


The SPEAR Outreach team operate in the Wandsworth borough to support rough sleepers. Our team go out late at night and in the early hours of the morning to identify those who find themselves rough sleeping with the objective of verifying them as rough sleeping and helping sign-post those rough sleepers to relevant services. If you are concerned about a rough sleeper and want SPEAR to look for them on shift, we ask you to please refer them to us via refernet. Please be as specific as possible in relation to the location of the rough sleeper to enable us to provide Outreach services effectively. The Outreach team are on shift twice a week and endeavor to respond to referrals within 72-hours. Please note, rough sleepers must be verified by SPEAR in order to be assigned a keyworker to receive support. Verification means they must be seen bedded-down by our Outreach service whilst out on shift late at night or in the early hours of the morning.

020 8404 1481


89 Heath Road, Twickenham, London, TW1 4AW

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Elays Network


Benefits advice, Support for Carers, Information and Signposting, Support for older people, Community services, Social and therapeutic services, Education and learning service for new communities


Elays Network is a non-profit, youth driven community organisation, based in Wandsworth London, whose goal is to provide a space for growth, enrichment and spiritual development through its variety of programmes. In addition to this they learn leadership skills and the tools that enables them to became active citizens and future Elays leaders. Ensuring that our good work is passed on to future generations. We take referrals for our mentoring project; Somali women's group; youth club; tuition/booster group.

02077 206864


The R & E Centre , St Rule Street, Battersea, SW8 3EH

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